Gender Equality in Education (Eng) — Tasa-arvo kasvatuksessa (Fin) — Jämställdhet i lärande (Swe)
The portal supports a gender perspective of the pedagogical work carried out within early childhood learning (day care and pre-school) and the education of the comprehensive school (grades 1—9) in Finland. In 2021, an equivalent part targeting vocational schools in Finland was integrated into the portal.
The portal is designed to aid everyday pedagogical work in regards to gender equality. Gender equality consist of a broad intersectional understanding of gender, including trans and non-binary people.
The portal Tasa-arvo kasvatuksessa is found in two languages, Finnish and Swedish. Basic education in Finland is provided either in Finnish or Swedish according to the Basic Education Act (Perusopetuslaki 21.8.1998/628). The language of instruction may also be Saami, Roma or sign language. When using the material of the portal, do note that if you master both languages, external tips and links vary between languages due to availability of materials in the respective languages. The portal was established in 2013 as a study package and it has been updated regularly over the years. The latest update was implemented in 2021 with a renewed design and structure as well as content.
The portal comprises material and video interviews by teachers, day care personnel, pupils, principals, supervisors, officials, researchers, consultants and people involved in gender equality projects carried out by various organizations in Finland. They relate their experiences, research results and methods by which you can start or restart your own gender equality work and development in education. There are reflective questions in order to further deepen your learning, along with practical exercises for inspiration and implementation. You can also find external tips and links to further your learning.
The portal is divided into three separate parts based on the intended target groups as follows:
Each part includes a toolkit and a self-test, where personnel can test their knowledge in gender equality in their everyday work. Further, there is an access to a material for personnel in vocational schools which follows the same structure.
Tasa-arvo is owned by the Council for Gender Equality (Tane) (
The portal has been designed and produced by Ekvalita Ab ( The development of the part targeting vocational schools was originally financed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Today, it is financed by external funds through Ekvalita.
The portal materials can be freely distributed and shared as long as proper copyright details are provided.
© 2013-2021 The Council for Gender Equality & Ekvalita
Delegationen för jämställdhetsärenden (Tane) är ett expertorgan vid social- och hälsovårdsministeriet. Tane främjar jämställdhet i samhället och arbetar aktivt för att motarbeta diskriminerande strukturer.
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